
The 4 Ways in which the Internet Improves the Quality of Life Every Day

Internet and education

The quality of life and food sources are being threatened by climate change and the consequences of human activity on the planet. It is clear that the current climatic conditions are unsustainable and by making appropriate use of technology we can help reduce the damage.

Smart cities

Cities are also excellent IoT-based systems and making proper use of associated services can reduce overall pollution. The use of water and energy as part of making the city self-sustainable, also includes smart lighting, and automatic irrigation systems in parks, among others.

Podcasts and Live Streaming Platforms

Viewing live audio or video broadcasts is now within everyone’s reach thanks to the internet. Listen to your favorite radio show or watch your team win the cup even if you are on the other side of the world.

Smarter Agriculture

Large and small producers worldwide are using IoT for microclimate tracking, temperature and humidity monitoring. These are some of the variables that can be evaluated through IoT to allow farmers to reduce the use of water and fertilizers by up to 40% without affecting yield.

Play at Online Casinos

Since the internet came into our lives, gambling stopped being something exclusive to large and ostentatious casinos to be at your fingertips. Playing poker, blackjack, slots, or roulette is getting easier at river belle online casino.

This is how the Internet is helping cities, farmers, and healthcare providers improve their lives around the world. Whether these are in busy cities or small towns, it also helps us connect with a better future.

Communication opportunities brought by Internet

The Internet is fully integrated into our daily lives, across the board, and this has had an impact on the way we interact with others.

I saw a clear example of this impact when I started in the world of social networks. I first set up a political social network in 2005, when I was finishing my studies in the United States. At that time I already knew that social networks were going to change how we communicate and, in addition, facilitate the way of sharing information by creating a new channel that is transversely opposed to the traditional ones.

Although that project did not succeed, for me it was a learning lesson. I have the feeling that in many countries failure is too penalized, when only the one who does nothing is the only one who surely does not fail. I firmly believe that mistakes help us improve, and we all know that we learn from them. With creativity, work and enthusiasm it is possible to reach any goal.

Then I created in 2006, when I was already here in Spain. (which comes from “your entity” and not from number 20 in English, as many think) is a social platform for social communication between real friends, who bet from the first moment on simplicity, relevance and privacy. Hence the key to its success.

Internet and social communication

In this sense, I believe that the value of social communication is fundamentally in being able to be in contact with the people who really matter at all times. Social communication tools allow sharing experiences and information, putting people and ideas in contact, immediately and without borders, and companionship, friendship and solidarity concur between individuals, as they have always done, now with great facilities, versus traditional limitations of space or time.

Regarding the infinite communication opportunities that the internet has brought with it, I would especially highlight the appearance and establishment of social networks in our daily lives. It has also affected the personal sphere of the individual insofar as it has modified the uses and customs in affective or even sexual relationships, also in tasks of daily life as basic as studying, shopping habits, the economy (due to the emerging sector of startups and new entrepreneurs), electronic commerce or social mobilization.

Internet and education

It is evident that the internet has had a remarkable impact on all levels of education, providing learning without borders, without limits. I believe that the future of education is networked. On the Internet, people can collaborate to create and share knowledge, and develop new ways of teaching and learning that capture the attention and stimulate the imagination of students anytime, anywhere, using any device. Additionally, by connecting and empowering students and educators, we can accelerate economic growth and improve social well-being around the world. We must work together, as a network, to build the global learning society.

The network of networks is an inexhaustible source of information and has made the consumer of information go from having the role of passive receiver of a message with the traditional media, to having an active role, where he selects what information he wishes to receive , how and when. Even the recipient himself decides if he wants to stay informed or not.

Internet and privacy and security

Following the thread of education, the next thing that comes to mind when I think of the internet is the realm of privacy. I think that privacy on the web is a really important factor to take into account. It is a fundamental part of our lives and the majority of Internet users are becoming more aware of it every day. Privacy has been gaining importance as awareness of the implications of social media engagement has spread. However, its use has spread very often before the knowledge of its proper use and, on many occasions, learning has come through trial and error, stumbles, accidents and failures. Examples of the unfortunate use of social media have made daily headlines in recent times.

In this context, the importance, often neglected due to ignorance, of online security and privacy has become evident , which, in my opinion, will gain even more importance in the future. Taking care of privacy is something common to the interests of any user, but especially important and sensitive when we talk about minors, who, despite the awareness and sensitization work carried out, still have behaviors carelessly unaware of the consequences that their digital activity.

I have always been very aware of this, and in all users have the maximum level of privacy and protection of their personal data and information activated by default. Only those people who the user has accepted as a friend can access their personal information, as well as view their phone numbers or download their photos. That is, by default, access to user information is not allowed by third-party users. There are also reporting and complaint mechanisms available to all users. Anyone can report inappropriate, abusive profiles and photos that violate the conditions of use and act immediately. Security and privacy inquiries are resolved within a maximum period of 24 hours.

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