
How Wayfinding Technologies are Helping Healthcare Professionals

Wayfinding technologies

Wayfinding solutions for hospitals

Spatial problem solving – so you can know where you are, where you want to go, and Wayfinding Technologies  how to get there; using wayfinding technologies in the form of not only mobile applications or signboards, kiosks and help desks but also markers, lighting indications, and signage; is emerging as a new tool for revolutionizing navigation and much more, becoming a much-needed rescuer for many of some of the most in need, who are patients and families of the ailing as they go through testing times seeking treatment in hospitals, many of which lag behind in, but are emerging of out old practices of and catching up to the trend of inclusive and empowering push of the boon that digital technologies are, offering in these modern times as they make possible a better today.

The Wayfinding Technologies field of medicine and healthcare is one that will always be essential, in-demand, and relevant as it is a necessity, and indispensable need for any and all, irrespective of age, class, or background. Life, health, is the paramount priority of all living. With the onset of the modern age, with advancements in science and our understanding of the human body the accepted measure of ‘old’ has been pushed further and further as the quality of life has improved and life expectancy has increased and will only reach new limits.

At no time in history has our wellness been as secure and life more comfortable as it has been achieved by our civilization. Essentially indoor navigation for hospitals in 2022 is now a reality for more and more across the globe, reaching those who are unprivileged and desperately in need of it.

Helping Healthcare Professionals

The dedicated clinical research, sacrifice, and contribution of many hardworking and selfless medical professionals and their sincere efforts have made it possible to find cures for many diseases that have been eradicated over the past 100 years. Modern treatments now exist for debilitating conditions like smallpox, polio, and leprosy, while researchers have even successfully developed therapies for illnesses like pneumonia which have always been fatal. That said, dealing and undergoing treatment can often be the nurturing, empowering, liberating relief our caregivers provide that is irreplaceable as a need as the strongest of us need nursing as we obviously are vulnerable, susceptible to weakness.

It is to be noted that, in our collective experience, hospitals can be one of anxiety, uncertainty, and fear when our health is not as desired. Away from home, on unfamiliar ground, surrounded by strangers, it is understandable to be uneasy though our heroes, the underappreciated and overworked medical professionals try to the best of their limits and more, they are now receiving support on the customer satisfaction front aided by digital technologies in the way of better, advanced communication, personalized entertainment, environment control and enhanced accessibility of the facilities.

Imagine if all case-related information was available and updated in real-time on an internet-enabled device for the patient, family, and health care professional to see. Or if the patient or family could request a meeting from the specialist or a nurse as easily as pushing a button, say with an immediate facetime feature too to alleviate concern as they are on the way. For routine needs like say, sugar, water, or anything less important with a separate feature. All this to seamlessly stay connected to have a sense of security. Wayfinding solutions for hospitals exactly this.

It is ironic that a place meant to make you feel better, in most cases, lags behind in terms of avenues of entertainment with outdated televisions and analog telephones. How great would it be if you could settle in and feel the comfort of home with a setup of devices, gadgets with which you can stay occupied and keep yourself distracted from negativity, or at least try to do so? Entertainment, today, is not a luxury, or should not be. But even if it is sold as it, it can be a huge upgrade in service with a lot of potential as health care is a service and patients are customers, and if days did not wearily drag by staring at the ceiling, people would be more likely to look forward to a visit to heal and recuperate as opposed to the dread one can be expected to feel as a family can also not always be present to keep company twenty-four hours of the day, seven days a week.

How about environmental control at the fingertips to dim the lights, draw the shades or change the temperature of the thermostat. For the patient, this would surely make it feel less alien to the unknown surroundings. Hospitals can be a confusing, unknown labyrinth of rooms and corridors, navigating which does not help with and can add to the various feelings that race through a person who himself or whose family member is undergoing treatment. I’m sure the staff would love to help and direct someone but wouldn’t it save time, on both sides, if one could be self-reliant with a trustable and seamless process of finding one’s way? One can easily wonder how this isn’t the norm. Need to use a restroom? Wayfinding technologies can show you the way. Hungry, need a snack? Easily found the cafeteria. And the way back too, of course. Even finding and remembering a parking spot. From employee information, reviews, booking an appointment to the history of treatment and prescriptions to remembering and planning the next session or canceling and scheduling all on one platform has a utility that has a lot of value to offer which will do a lot of good for a market for reaching which goodwill alone should be the major motive but from a business point of view, the multitude of gains could be tenfold, so to speak.


Indoor navigation for hospitals in 2022 can help healthcare institutions improve their services by saving time and creating a stress-free smart healthcare experience for patients and visitors. There are various companies that provide wayfinding technologies. Massed has one of the best navigation systems that does not require any hardware installations. Easy to implement, maintain and use to improve services across various sectors.

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