
12 business trends for 2022 in leadership and technology

Business trends for 2022

The position you must adopt for your company to join the new competitive era, oriented by the adoption of new technologies. It includes the following aspects.
The technological innovations that Industry 4.0 brings with it and the challenges it proposes , have a particularity that makes it stand out from the industrial revolutions that preceded it: a pandemic that forced companies to transform their ways of working and providing or generating new services .

Leadership skills and business technology trends for 2022

The beginning of the decade surprised us with unforeseen challenges, new ways of living, communicating, working, selling. In less than two years we faced an unknown disease and created new work and behavior methodologies used as a survival model. Today we perceive that nothing will be like three or five years ago. For this reason, you must re-evaluate your company’s processes, analyze the technologies that your work team uses, update them if necessary and focus on a more assertive and competitive technological transformation , considering the needs of your employees and customers. This should also be analyzed as a survival behavior. Do you know the proper way to make your company survive the new post-pandemic era?

Business trends for 2022

Last year we talked to you about the 12 technological and business trends for 2021 and we were assertive in our forecast, this time we share those of 2022.

It all started when the directors looked for solutions or resources that would allow them to face the adversities that their companies presented. In response, they decided to adopt new technologies, which perhaps, due to fear or ignorance, they had not dared to implement. This is how automation technologies functioned as a ‘mask’ in companies to avoid a production decline.

Technological updates

Likewise, automation expanded its value offer: in 2019 the term hyper- automation was coined , in 2020 covid-19 occurred, which increased the adoption of the tools that make it up: RPA, BPM, ML, IA, among others. In 2021, companies faced a society that had changed its habits of consumption, work, entertainment and relationships with the world, the beginning of an era called post-covid and where digital transformation was the protagonist. Now with the arrival of 2022, companies must adapt to the new consumption habits of society and competitive levels of their competition that grew due to the technological adoption proposed by hyper-automation.

This is why companies must look beyond automation and offer newer solutions, driven by technological updates that meet post-covid needs. The companies that do not join this change could disappear and their leaders have the responsibility to positively impact the organizational culture and promote the learning of digital skills.

Here’s how your leadership role can be more assertive in 2022:

Four business leadership skills for 2022

The new technologies serve as enablers of transformation from the internal part of the organizations, for this reason, it is important that the position of the directors look for technological solutions for the development of internal activities, in this way, the work team will have the possibility of offer better experiences and services to customers. In this order of ideas, it is the managers and directors who are driving this growth and they must take into account that since 2020 the adoption dynamics have accelerated.

Companies that do not adapt to this new dynamic are prone to disappear, because technology is a reality of our routine, in fact, a virtual parallel world grows exponentially thanks to those who participate in its creation and globalization. And you, where do you want your company to be?

For this, it is essential that companies in all sectors in 2022 plan their strategy according to:

Resilience: acceptance of change

This quality allows you to adapt your organization to the changes it faces and to maintain its operations over time. Resilience is the capacity with which you prepare, motivate and watch over your team when facing risky situations with the appropriate tools to achieve the proposed objectives.

2022 requires you to create new ideas that support current labor ecosystems, enhance people’s skills and improve internal processes to meet objectives.

Evolution: digitization as the foundation

Business survival in a post covid era depends on the transversality of information. This challenge involves reviewing the current automation or implementation, to verify its effectiveness in simplifying and saving time.

2022 suggests that organizations make use of platforms and applications that allow employees to access all the content generated from anywhere and safely.

Adaptability: now everything revolves around alternation

This standard issued by the governments of different countries to avoid the massive contagion of covid-19, allowed employees to increase their productivity. Teleworking was one of the reasons that drove the adoption of technology, which has meant an important advance for companies in less time than estimated.

The economic reactivation of 2022 seeks to implement alternation as a model that complements the advantages of the modality of face-to-face and remote work in order to enhance its productivity and innovation.

Assertiveness: ensure success through technology adoption

Businesses must begin to master the change proposed by post-covid society. You as a leader build the new normal, change does not arise only from the providers of new technological services, the most valuable role is that of the directors who seek to take their company to a higher level of competitiveness.

By 2022, technology will evolve from a goal of salvation to an enabler of adaptability, innovation and connectivity. This reaffirms that these advances are here to stay.

Are you ready to focus on these perspectives now? Just as your leadership position is important to be part of Industry 4.0, you must take into account the technological advances that will support you in this process.

8 business technologies for 2022

Disruptive technologies have been the main response to the economic and labor challenges that COVID-19 brought with it. 2022 recommends that organizations plan technology adoptions prioritizing people.

Rocael Hernández Rizzardi, GES (Galileo Educational System) director of the Galileo University, affirms that the main technologies for the 2020 decade are: intelligent automation (RPA, BPM), blockchain, big bata, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity mesh, intelligent commerce and hyper-automation, mainly, since they meet the challenge of companies in thinking about people and adopting technologies that promote their work to generate competitiveness.

We share the perspective of each technology in 2022:

Disruptive technologies have been the main response to the economic and labor challenges that COVID-19 brought with it. 2022 recommends that organizations plan technology adoptions prioritizing people.

We share the perspective of each technology in 2022:

RPA: the start of automation

Robotic Process Automation by reducing human intervention in simple, repetitive and high-volume tasks means the beginning of intelligent automation. Its adoption will be necessary in 2022 with a more strategic vision that seeks to scale and allows companies or work areas to enhance their advantages from new technologies.

In addition, Robotic Process Automation has the possibility of being outlined as a service, this new modality will allow greater accessibility in SMEs.

BPM: post covid society orchestra

Business Process Automation is the RPA extension that systematizes and facilitates individual business processes. It has the ability to organize and connect applications in the same system, link the tools to achieve shared access and automatically measure results; These are some of the characteristics that allow companies to adapt their employees and processes to post-pandemic needs.

By 2022, proposes the use of the cloud on premise, private, public or with business administration. This mode allows you to improve data security , ecosystem stability, risk management, dynamism in workloads and flexibility.

Blockchain (chain of blocks): connection without borders

This digital database has the function of sharing all the transactions carried out in a process through groups of information known as blocks.

This technology is important for 2022, as it allows transactions to be made without the intervention of third parties. Blockchain offers security, transparency and privacy even if the computers that participate in the chain are thousands of kilometers away.

Big data: the value of data

The proper use of big data allows to analyze, process and store data with a high volume of quantity, variety and speed. In this way, benefits are generated such as: reducing expenses, making decisions based on real-time data, offering personalized services and finding areas of opportunity.

2022 projects this technology u n sharper focus on governance data , the storage in the cloud to improve the experience of the customer and the use of macro data as a complement to the work of researchers in areas such as Data Science .

Artificial Intelligence: the engine of industry 4.0

This technology has been a driving force in most robotic automation processes, although many representatives of the technological field analyze it as one of the most important and revolutionary advances in its sector, it must be taken into account that its impact, like that of other technologies is gradual.

Gartner ensures that the perspective of Artificial Intelligence for 2022 will be generative, in which machine learning methods are established based on data , some examples of this are the creation of software and facilitation in the creation of drugs.

Cybersecurity mesh

One of the most common dangers of data migration to digital platforms is security, as a response comes this technology that integrates security in a ‘horizontal line’ distributed in a network.

This trend designs and implements an IT security infrastructure that establishes individual perimeters around each access point.

By 2022, the security approach is expected to focus on policy orchestration and deployment of its application in order to generate more modular and responsive security.

Mobile commerce or M-Commerce: the new way to sell

The apps that allow the new shopping habit through mobile devices generate a need for immediacy in the market. This characteristic offers a competitive advantage in companies and it is necessary to adapt it to strengthen loyalty and customer service. 2022 brings with it a requirement that, in addition to enabling the user to buy 24/7 anywhere, improves the customer experience through live shopping , to increase customer engagement on social networks, voice commerce , which allows shopping through voice assistants and the adoption of cryptocurrencies as a means of payment, to be in line with the competition from first world countries and ensure the integrity of transactions due to the encrypted electrical record: Blockchain .

Hyper-automation: the extension of competitiveness

The demand for automation in companies in all sectors has been constantly growing. The pandemic allowed their integration (RPA, BPM, IA, ML, mainly) to provide a timely response to the crisis caused by covid-19.

In 2022, hyper-automation will emerge as one of the foundations for success . Gartner affirms that in order to achieve this goal, it is important to establish business objectives, the processes to be optimized, and the integration of software technologies to enhance the processes.

We invite you to learn about the benefits of hyper-automation by sectors in our e-book .


2022 brings with it new challenges that the business community must address in the best way. The market will be increasingly competitive thanks to the changes that have taken place at the beginning of the decade, the true leaders are those who promote evolution.

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