Business Technology

Memes in content marketing: benefits and tips for use

Memes are a powerful content marketing tool that some of the biggest brands are using. Here are some examples and strategies to use them for marketing.

66% of social network users share humorous content. Memes in content marketing can generate engagement and form powerful branding .

People consume hundreds of contents daily through their social networks . Without a doubt, the ones that most attract people’s attention and that are shared the most are memes . A study carried out by Business Insider details that social network users are likely to share content related to news (72%), humor (66%) and warnings (39.5%), the latter two being the topics that most are often incorporated into memes.

But why is it successful to use memes in content marketing ? This type of content is widely shared by users for two reasons. First, they are linked to the satisfaction (joy, happiness, and interest) they bring to consumers; secondly, they are related –according to a study– to people’s need to belong to a certain community. In this way, memes help digital users to interact, socialize and communicate with an environment that has the same tastes and preferences.

In this way, memes help with niche positioning and target a specific community. For these reasons, content marketers have begun to use memes as part of their content strategies . Brands that have used memes in content marketing have achieved the following benefits:

  • Exposure and brand relevance . Because memes are often related to a current trend or event, they make a brand more real, modern, and human. They can also be shared on any digital platform such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, which makes the brand better known.
  • They reflect brand values. Memes allow brands to show themselves in a different, unique and original way to the target . Through this content, they can reflect their values, personality and opinions on current issues, virtues that consumers increasingly approve of in the digital world.
  • Powerful branding . When brands share memes across their different channels, they are building their brand. This allows them to create and reinforce a powerful branding that will help them define their objectives, create an identity and differentiate themselves from the competition.
  • High frequency of interactions . If a meme makes an impact on a user, it will most likely be shared. When that action is generated, the amount of engagement , impressions and interactions increases, becoming viral in a short time.
  • Greater identification . One of the objectives of brands is for users to identify with them. When memes are used at the right time and communicating the ideal message, they can generate a loyal relationship with followers.
  • Greater recall . The best messages are never forgotten. If the memes are structured in the best way, users will quickly associate them with the brand.
content marketing
content marketing

How to use memes in content marketing?

1. Make sure the meme reflects your brand voice

The key is to be authentic and not too conservative. Your memes should show that your brand has a unique personality and voice to set you apart from your competitors. When defining your tone, start by clearly defining your target audience:

What content do you consume?
What music, TV shows or celebrities do you prefer?
How can you captivate and entertain them?
What problems do you face that are common to your community?

Once you are clear about the content your target is interested in , make relatable jokes or comments about the fashion trends or culture they follow. Committing to a subculture or niche is the goal, not the enemy, of good content marketing .

2. Build your meme library

You can take advantage of existing memes or create your own. If you’re going to reuse them, reimagine the dialogue from a popular GIF or movie scene. Viral YouTube videos often end up as memes, so keep an eye on featured and trending videos for fresh content.

Original content is a bit more challenging because you have to source material for the meme, decide on a format, and layer some related phrases. It takes more time, energy, and creativity, but there is a higher chance that your content will be shared.

3. Customize memes for your brand

There are many different ways to create memes, whether it’s with photos, screenshots, videos, or GIFs. Experiment with all of these formats and see which users react the strongest. Also consider using emojis, rounded corners, and embedded text. Meme consumers are used to these visual elements and will recognize them immediately.

Many brands use memes as an effective vehicle for their content marketing strategy . Like most creative processes, trust your instincts. If you don’t think a meme you’ve created is funny, interesting, or insightful, your consumers probably won’t either. Use your best judgment and learn by doing: the more memes you consume, the better you’ll be at creating them.

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