
The main social networks used by brands to promote themselves

Social networks used by brands

We cannot deny that social networks are, for Internet users, an intrinsic part of everyday life. If these practices are carried out by individual Internet users, brands cannot be left behind and, therefore, the opportunities that companies have to expand their brands through social networks are part of their strategies. Let’s see what are the main social networks to follow brands.

Main social networks to promote a brand

From the birth of social networks as a communication tool, among many other existing functionalities, and from the massive use of Social Media , arises the use that brands make of the same networks. That’s right, brands have found a golden opportunity with an audience of more than 19 million social users in Spain.

Social networks, being an interactive network of contacts where you create, share and participate, are a great opportunity to reach new customers and bring products and services closer to people. According to a study published on Sprout social , “86% of social media users like and follow brands on social media.”

Why do you follow brands on social networks?

According to a study published by IAB based in Spain, 86% of users declare themselves to be fans/follow brands through social networks. Another piece of information that the study reveals is that the mobile continues to climb positions, surpassing the computer (94% of users choose it to use the RRSS).

There are several factors that encourage us to follow social networks, the so-called reasons for loyalty. In this field of interests, you will want to find out about the demands of Internet users and find out what must be taken into account when reinforcing the digital strategy.

In the same way that there are incentives that cause Internet users to become followers of a brand, there are also actions that make people stop following a brand. A survey published by Sprout Social shows that Internet users would stop being followers of a brand that generates too many promotional messages (46%), publishes non-relevant information (41%), sends too many tweets (34.9%), uses jargon that is not compatible with themselves (29.9%), be too quiet (17.9%) and do not respond to messages (15.3%). All this means that a brand should not bother the Internet user or generate noise and pay attention when he asks for it.

Internet users become fans of brands for four main reasons:

  • They publish content of interest to the user
  • They want to be up to date with updates
  • They are interested in promotions and offers
  • Update the offer of products and services

An interesting fact is the growth of a brand’s fans due to proximity. Geolocation is gaining ground, especially with the rise in the use of mobile phones and apps. Geolocation has optimized the mobile strategies of many brands.

As for the devices that Internet users use to connect to social networks, the computer and the mobile phone fight for first place. For the first time, the study reflects that 94% of Internet users prefer mobile devices compared to 93 who mostly access with a computer, tablets are only chosen for €55.

What are the main social networks to follow brands?

The great weight of the user database on Facebook decorates it as the social network par excellence in recent years. The survey reflects that 81% use this social network to follow brands. Facebook is the social network that brands use to make themselves known, gain users, generate conversions and sell products directly. 81% of Internet users in Spain use this social network to interact with the brand or simply get information.

Facebook is a platform increasingly used by brands for its approach to facilitating mobile purchasing processes thanks to new advertising formats and new purchase options. There are options in this social network to have advertisements such as Facebook Custom Audiences that allows you to promote the products and the brand to people who have already visited it or have registered in the email.

Social networks adapt to audiences and audiences evolve technologically: we spend more and more time connected to mobile phones and it could be said that we have become purely mobile.

The profile of the Facebook user is more feminine than, for example, that of Twitter. The social network with limited characters is used by 40% to follow brands, according to the study, which also points out that women and users between 40 and 55 years of age use Facebook more. On the other hand, Instagram is growing in the percentage of brand followers: 30% compared to the 5% of users it had just two years ago.

Social networks used by brands

There are several ways to use the social network Instagram for the promotion of a company’s brand. From sharing images of your products, sharing videos and running contests to contacting influencer accounts to ask them to share the product or service.

The brand image is also promoted through Twitter, the social network through which an improvement in results is achieved if a good strategy is used. Social networks used by brands Among the actions that should not be left aside when promoting the business brand through Twitter is the good use of the Bio (which must be adapted to the brand image), the promotion of content of the company to which the company belongs to as well as external companies to the brand, the interaction with the followers and with experts so that the former buy from you and the latter can make you known and, finally, the use of hashtags (that have to do with the message and that they do not make the user dizzy) and the monitoring of trending topics.

There is still room to talk about YouTube, the social network that became the most important search engine after Google. The advantage of this social network is its importance when it comes to attracting traffic since YouTube videos can rank in search engines like Google. With a brand present on YouTube and videos of interest, the promotion of products through this channel makes it possible to reach a larger audience through other types of narratives.

What benefits are obtained by promoting the brand on social networks?

Increase brand visibility:

A good social media marketing technique helps increase visits. If the product and service convince, conversions will be generated

The popularity of the brand image: Customers feel closer to the company.
Increase in conversions: That is why we previously mentioned the importance of not abandoning the user or not responding to their messages. Interaction is crucial.

High level of diffusion:

Today’s society moves through social networks and not taking advantage of this channel would be to condemn the future of the company to death.
The immediacy of messages is one of the best qualities that the Internet has.
Know the target audience through databases to know who the company is targeting and what Internet users demand.

New social networks?

Users constantly change their tastes, but is it possible that new social networks will emerge? We should ask Instagram, which little by little has made its way among the other networks until reaching 35% of users.

An alternative that everyone is talking about is “Vero”, which is offered as a social network willing to let you choose who you share your content with and treat you like a client instead of an advertiser. Criticizing other social networks that put their interests above those of users, the social network “Vero” publishes a manifesto in which it sets out its objectives and how it aspires to be an alternative.

To know how to function in the digital world and to be able to use the company’s strategies in social networks, digital skills and abilities typical of the Community Manager profile are necessary . If you want to become a specialist in strategic planning and management of social networks and also want to develop a new company, don’t miss the Master in Community Management: Company 2.0 and Social Networks aimed at developing the most developed and demanded skills in recent years.

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